Rabu, 06 April 2011

danurPedia: ble'e ...

muncul dari sebuah percakapan biasa saja di GTalk ketika gw mulai muak melihat XML, Toad for Oracle, Internet Explorer, dan webMethod Developer IDE...

me gw kerja banget ni dr pagi nu
jem sgini udah ble'e pala gw
 Sent at 1:14 PM on Wednesday
 mibnufajar Ble'e artinya apa?
 Sent at 1:15 PM on Wednesday
 me ble'e = menurun tingkat kecepatan respon motoriknya
jadi sodara2... menurut danurPedia...

>> Ble'e (adj): menurunnya tingkat kecepatan respon motorik (pada otak). <<

3 komentar:

  1. Hahaha.. Is that even a real word ?

  2. you should not worry about that...
    coz even in javanese language, we know lots of 'situational words' that are not even a word. people dont know what the meaning of them, but they know 'how the ambience' that the word brings... i.e. "ma' bedundu'" , "ma' nyos" (i dont even know how to write it :D), etc.. hihihi....

  3. Dan,. keknya bakal saingan sama kamus gaulnya Debby Saherian ni.. ha ha ha..
